Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Some considerations relating to the dynamics of quasicrystals

The dynamics of quasicrystals looks to me very interesting because it shares several features of the dynamics of Kähler action defining the basic variational principle of classical TGD and defining the dynamics of space-time surfaces. In the following I will compare the basic features of the dynamics of quasicrystals to the dynamics of preferred extremals of Kähler action.

Magnetic body carrying dark matter is the fundamental intentional agent in TGD inspired quantum biology and the cautious proposal is that magnetic flux sheets could define the grid of 3-planes (or more general 3-surfaces) defining quasi-periodic background fields favoring 4-D quasicrystals in TGD Universe. Also 3-D quasicrystal like structures defined by grids of planes can be considered and 4-D quasicrystal structure would represent their time evolution.

Quite recently it has been reported that grids consisting of 2-D curved orthogonal surfaces characterize the architecture of neural wiring so that this hypothesis might make sense. This structure would be analogous to 2-D quasicrystal and its time evolution to 3-D quasicrystal.

Instead of explaining the ideas in detail here I recommend the pdf article Some considerations relating to the dynamics of quasicrystals. Also the chapter Quantum Theory of Self-Organization contains the details.


Ulla said...

Katherine Freese, a theoretical physicist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, proposed October 28 at the New Horizons in Science meeting that a new kind of DNA-based detector could not only spot a leading candidate for dark matter, called WIMPs, but could also determine incoming particles’ direction of flight. The proposal also appeared online earlier this year at

“It’s a very smart way to apply technology developed from biology to a fundamental particle physics problem,” says Jocelyn Monroe, a dark matter physicist at MIT and the University of London.

maybe linked earlier? this is not exactly the DNA phantoms but still interesting.

Orwin said...

Ulla, both you and ThePesLa are reminding me strongly of C.S. Peirce, who had his career ruined by a Canadian physicist. Peirce stumbled on something he called quadrics, but found he had no mind for 3D non-linear geometry. He did, though, give the second proof of the theorem of Frobenius which set out the possible extensions of the real numbers.

If you think the Standard Model is bad, try Standard Model Theory! Its all about Structural Realism and abolishing imaginaries... They also go for eliminating qunatifiers, which lays them open to the Lowenswtein-Skolem Theorem: ALL STANDARD MODELS HAVE VALID INTERPRETATIONS IN FINITE NUMBER THEORY!!!

Ulla said...

Thanks. 3D nonlocal theory is indeed difficult. It goes through the ONE point as in zero energy ontology and time?

Ulla said...

A note to you; the books of TGD here still have the old url.