Wednesday, May 02, 2012

TGD inspired view about water memory

The notion of water memory has several aspects. Water memory was introduced by Benveniste to explain the claimed ability of homeopathically treated water to behave as if it contained the original molecules. Already Benveniste discovered the connection with very low frequency electromagnetic radiation and claimed that the patterns of this radiation carry the information about the molecule and represent its biologically relevant aspects. Water memory has been also assigned to the observation suggesting that the human intent has effect on the crystal structures formed as water near criticality freezes.

Basic aspects of water memory

The first aspect of water memory relates to homeopathy and is discussed from strongly skeptic point of view in Wikipedia article. Mae Wan-Ho takes a more balanced view on homeopathy in her article discussing the recent findings of the research group of HIV Nobelist Luc Montagnier providing strong support for water memory and suggesting also a connection with gene level (see this and this).

The basic principle of homeopathy is "let like be cured by like". Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted preparations believed to cause in the healthy individuals effects similar to the undesired symptoms of the person treated. Homeopathy is not in accordance with the naive materialistic beliefs about what water is (just the letters H2O!) and what happens in succussion process producing the remedy. Not surprisingly, hard-nosed skeptics are not able to discuss the subject without bursts of rage. Obviously, the claimed effect of homeopathic remedy resembles that of vaccine and one might say that the harmful substance serves as its own antibody eliminating the effect of the harmful substance. If one takes homeopathy seriously, the challenge is to explain this auto-antibody behavior. One can of course ask whether this behavior could in some sense be the basic mechanism of immune system.

In Benveniste's experiments antibodies of human basophils were dissolved in water and the claim of experiments was that basophils added to the homeopathically treated water produced allergic reaction serving usually as a signature for the presence of antibody. As if water were able to mimic the antibodies in biologically relevant aspects. Later Benveniste was labeled as a fraud but the research has continued and it has been for long time thought that low frequency electromagnetic fields are essential for water memory. The frequencies in question extend to kHz range and cannot relate to molecular transitions. Cyclotron frequencies assignable to charged particles at the magnetic body of the molecule are the natural candidate in TGD framework.

Second aspect of water memory relates to the claim that human intent has an effect on the molecular structure of water. Clearly a special variant of remote mental interaction would be in question. Masaru Emoto has photographed water crystals resulting from water contained by a glass and subject to human intent. Depending on the origin of water the resulting water crystals can vary from random to very organized and aesthetic. Words, pictures, and music are used to generate the crystals. It is important to not forget that human intent is a decisive factor so that water need not be able to read as one especially simplistic and aggressive fanatic ridiculizing Emoto claimed! Emoto has published several books containing pictures of the crystals and makes explicit that he is not a scientist but photographer who has discovered a fascinating new phenomenon and loves to document it.

Mae Wan-Ho has written an article titled Crystal Clear - Messages from Water in which she discusses Emoto's work with intellectual honesty and giving primacy for facts instead of dogmas. The basic argument of skeptic is that water is just H2O as we learned in school and therefore Emoto must be a swindler. The Wikipedia article about Masaru Emoto's work represents a rather civilized skeptic reaction as compared to Harriet Hall's piece of bad rhetorics filled with nasty ad hominem attacks. More ambitious skeptic believer bothers to develop an argument claiming that aesthetic appeal is highly subjective measure to characterize the water crystals. Here common sense and intellectual honesty clash with materialistic dogmas categorically denying this kind of effects, and the reader of these books must make a personal decision about what might be the truth - unless they decide to become photographers of water crystals.

The reader can also form his or her opinion about this aspect of water memory by looking the You tube video Water has Memory prepared in Aerospace Institute in Stuttgart illustrating that the effect of human intent on the structure of water droplets is same for droplets from same source, is repeatable, and characterizes the operator. Also the effect of flowers dropped into the water is illustrated. All drops from a given source give rise to same structure characterizing the flower. It is suggested that water is a huge information source and serves as a kind of data medium. This proposal is highly trivial and would mean a profound modification of world view.

A simple model for water memory

Suppose that we just for a moment decide to overcome our intellectual laziness and are not satisfied with the standard rhetoric tricks of skeptics to convince ourselves that water memory researches must be swindlers or fools. In other words, we take the experimental evidence supporting water memory as something worth of considering seriously and try to build a model for the claimed phenomena. We can indeed imagine when we do not know. The challenge of the model for water memory is to explain the claimed basic aspects of water memory with minimal assumptions. Let us the restrict the model building further by assuming that we live in TGD Universe and that our vision about this Universe is roughly correct.

The ability of water molecule clusters to mimic the possibly harmful substances - call them just H - dissolved in water in some biologically relevant aspects could explain the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. Water should make possible a symbolic representation of the molecules or their magnetic bodies.

  1. Suppose H is a polar molecule so that it is biologically effective and that magnetic body characterizes the relevant biological effects of a polar molecule. Suppose that mechanical agitation causes some polar molecules to lose their magnetic bodies so that they attach to water molecule clusters, which therefore become "actors" representing H. In the dilution the density of the fake molecules is also reduced but if the energy provided by shaking can be used as metabolic energy makes possible for the "actors" to replicate and their population can survive and even evolve in the sequence of "environmental catastrophes" induced by repeated succussions possibly also inducing evolution as an increase of Planck constant for the magnetic body of the "actor". Also the replication of the magnetic body of the "actor" is required. Cyclotron frequency spectrum would serve as a characterizer of molecule's magnetic body and cyclotron radiation would make possible communications between fake molecules and their magnetic body.

  2. What the dropping of magnetic bodies really means? To answer the question consider a general vision about what happens as energy is fed into a system consisting of proteins dissolved in water. The proteins originally in closed globular configuration open as the ordered water covering their surfaces with "ice" melts. This leads to a protein aggregation during the short "molecular summer" provided by the energy feed. The outcome is braiding and reconnection of flux tubes.

    Suppose that this mechanism is at work also when proteins are replaced with harmful polar molecules. During "molecular summer" a reconnection process for closed loops emerging from water clusters and polar molecules would connect them with water clusters. Also the magnetic bodies of polar molecules would generate connections to water clusters via molecules. Self-reconnection for the flux tubes going through H molecules makes possible the transfer of the magnetic body of H to water molecule cluster. Water molecule cluster would "steal" the magnetic coat of H and H molecules would be left with short-cut closed flux tubes after the reconnection.

  3. What is required that these water clusters or something associated with them can replicate and develop to a population representing the original molecules. The needed metabolic energy would come from mechanical agitation. Note that this replication should involve also the replication of magnetic bodies which suggests that linear structures generating planar flux tubes emanating from the basic building bricks of the structure are involved. This will be discussed below.
What could then be the healing mechanism in homeopathy? Why the presence of the fake molecules in organism would prevent the harmful actions of real molecules in the organism? What could be the translation of "Let like be cured by like" to the language of quantum TGD?

  1. Suppose that the effects of H on bio-molecules are due to cyclotron radiation along the flux tubes of its magnetic body connecting it to bio-molecules of the organism. Suppose that the fake representatives of H contained by the homeopathic remedy and real molecules H reconnect so that the flux loops associated with H and fake H reconnect to a pair of flux tubes connecting H and fake H. Suppose that this happens with such high a rate that the fraction of the connections to other biomolecules remains low.

  2. If so, fake H would effectively act antibody of H and the effects of H via its magnetic body on organism would be minimized. Like would indeed cure like. Could this reconnection mechanism be at work also when antibody attaches to the harmful molecule? If so, the basic mechanism of immunization would be universal and involved the notion of magnetic manner in an essential manner.

Dark nucleon genetic code as realization of water memory, and homeopathic mechanism as basic mechanism of immune system

The proposal says nothing about the detailed structure of water clusters, and does not mention dark nucleons nor the proposal for the realization of genetic code based on them. A more refined model would include also these and give a connection for how immune system would utilize the reconnection of flux tubes defining the basic mechanism of homeopathy.

  1. TGD predicts a realization of vertebrate genetic code at the level of dark nucleons. Dark nucleons correspond to the states of DNA, RNA, tRNA, and amino-acids and represent vertebrate genetic code under rather general assumptions (see this). One could even consider the extension of the genetic code to a naming of polar molecules by sequences of representatives of DNA letters. Suppose that dark proton sequences are attached to a polar molecule dissolved in water, and define a representation of the molecule in terms of code letters realized as exotic protons with Compton length in nano-scale. The assignment of the magnetic body of the molecule to water cluster would give it the same "name" as for the original molecule. It is of course possible to have other representation and one of them would be in terms of dark u quarks providing representation of A,T,C,G in terms of spin states.

  2. If the population of dark DNA molecules assigned with the harmful substance H is able to use the energy provided by the succussion process as a metabolic energy for replication, the disappearance of H is compensated by the replication of dark DNA representing it. Dark DNA becomes the representative of H. The growing population would consist of dark DNA and the flux tubes of the magnetic body connect to dark DNA strands. Replication would be the analog of that for ordinary DNA and involve also the replication of magnetic bodies. The water would contain pairs of dark DNA and its conjugate connected by a flux tube and these flux tubes would reconnect with flux tubes connecting the dark DNA sequence representing H and connected by flux tubes to its conjugate.

  3. It is known that the DNA of the immune system evolves with an especially high rate. Could the universal naming mechanism allow the immune system to generate new immune responses via the transcription of the dark DNA sequence representing the harmful molecule to a real DNA, which in turn codes for amino-acid attaching to the harmful molecules along the dark nucleon sequence? A model for homeopathy would extend to a model for the functioning of immune system. This would be of course also a mechanism of evolution as a reaction to changing chemical environment. This would explain also the effect of the homeopathic remedy as an effect at gene level.

    It is difficult to exaggerate the potential significance of this mechanism for biology, genetic engineering, and medicine. Understanding of the contemptible homeopathy could induce decisive step in the understanding of biology. This possibility shows how dangerous it is to take the claims forced by a particular belief system like materialism as final truths.

Reader has certainly noticed that reconnection mechanism pops up again and again in the model and would be also the fundamental mechanism of ordinary DNA replication, transcription, translation of mRNA to proteins, and of process catching tRNA molecules carrying amino-acids to form protein at mRNA. This mechanism would be realized even in the mutual interactions between living organisms and between living organisms and inanimate matter.

Braiding represents as a higher level aspect of water memory

Braiding represents another aspect of water memory relating to the representation as dark nucleon sequences as the quantum computer programs represented by braidings to DNA in the model of DNA as topological quantum computer (see this). The memories represented by braiding would be about the flow of water and molecules rather than about substances present in the water. The model of qualia (see this) is based on flux tube connections between system representing self and environment. For polar molecules the qualia would relate to charge and electric polarization. Could the qualia assignable to polar molecule plus environment have scaled down fractal variants at the level of water clusters of environment? If this were the case then water would effectively produce representations about molecule at the level of qualia. Could also these relate to water memory?

Effects of intent on water crystallization

One should understand the effect of intent on water in terms of water memory. The proposed representation of polar molecules in terms of dark DNA sequences is one possible realization of water memory reducing naming of molecules to genetic code letters. Essentially addressing of molecules would be in question. This aspect of water memory is not relevant now. Rather, what matters is the interaction of water with human operator and reconnection of flux tubes of magnetic bodies is a good guess for how this interaction is realized. The same mechanism is involved also with the interaction of homeopathic remedy and harmful substance.

How could one understand the effect of intent on water crystallization, which characterizes the operator involved. The situation would be very much like that in the experiments of Tiller. The magnetic bodies assignable to the operator and water must interact and produce the effects. This would not be surprising if similar interaction takes place in the case of dissolved substances.

A concrete model for the interaction would be in terms of the reconnections of closed flux tubes emerging from the biological body of subject person with the flux tubes of the magnetic body of water creating direct flux tube contacts between the two bodies. The presence of magnetic flux tube connections between water sample and operator's magnetic and biological body would induce the effects on crystallization of water. Water memory should be stable in human time scales. This requires that these flux tube patterns are rather stable modification of the magnetic body of water. Large values of Planck constant assignable to the magnetic body of human agent would be needed. What is required is that the crystallization patterns and therefore structures of water clusters correlate with the structure of the magnetic body of the water sample.

Magnetic body and migrating birds

What happens when the water glass in the experiments of Emoto is taken to a large distance from operator? Does the effect prevail? If the magnetic flux tubes stretch, this interaction need not cease as the distance between operator and water glass increases unless the double flux tube splits by self-reconnection. If so, water could indeed act as a data medium as proposed in the video about water memory.

Magnetic body could play key role in understanding how birds and fish manage to find their birth places during migration is one of the many unresolved mysteries of biology. It has been suggested that orienteering in magnetic field of Earth using neuron level compass is in question but this proposal has its difficulties. Could it be that the birds and fish are connected by the magnetic flux tubes of their personal magnetic body or of that of the species to the birth place so that they would only follow Ariadne's thread?

For background see the chapter Homeopathy in Many-sheeted Space-time of "Biosystems as Conscious Holograms".


L. Edgar Otto said...


I find it still hard to take this area of your research or applications seriously but I do take things from a neutral intelledctual viewpoint. So, assuming this is more than a metahpor for the physics and I describing lately (and yes it seems that even our Lubos is hedging his bets, the Lisa article hints she is describing some sort of extension in to the memory of the water of the vacua- that is she connects with my iota particles or your wormhole concepts over a real field of a magnetic body... Gee Ulla how can you read so much of my posting that seems to ask the same questions to Matti? Anyway, as a serious question I ask you this:

In terms of "water memory and the aspects of dark field (a magnetic body context) what is the influences or role of not just H2O but D20 and T20 in this system? Ulla perahps if you have not read my comments on hot fusion you will find stuff there as you asked Matti of the nature of these extended landscapes of knots and braids and loops and so on from our newer physics as recently discovered. Is the difference in these water isotopes an example of these multi membrane levels and are they constrained? Certainly if an organism drank heavy water its weight and volume would increase. For me the structure of atoms as with stars is a whole earlier level of a state of the field evolution. Why does water increase the rate of fission such that a storage pond can go nuclear?

The PeSla

Ulla said... I like the religion interpretation. Over 5000 varants have been photographed, so water is really an OPEN system.

INTENTION is the reason? What does this make with the observer-effect? Intention is prior to the measurement. Can intention be seen as a morphic field? said...

Dear Pesla,

water memory is a fact. When even HIV Nobelist finds strong support for water memory and for a new nanoscale representation of genetic code, any intellectually honest scientists must take it seriously.

The first problem is of course ego: does the world view that I believe allow say anything interesting about the problem? In the framework of standard materialistic and reductionistic dogmas the answer is definite "No". If one wants to protect one's ego, one must forget the whole thing and say that experimentalists are fools or frauds.

We must not underestimate how painful this giving up the wrong world view is for ego. Just see how Lubos continues to produce string propaganda although string theory as a physical theory is as dead as Soviet Union. He is a propaganda machine which no-one noticed to shut down when the string empire fell down.

In my case situation is different: the same notions- ZEO; the notion of magnetic body, braiding and reconnection; hierarchy of Planck constants; etc..- explain the basic mechanisms of biology and neuroscience extended to theory of consciousness.

One can apply these concepts directly to build models for various phenomena to which we assign words like water memory, remote mental interactions, paranormal phenomena. Standard biology and neuroscience are about remote mental interactions between biological body and magnetic body. There is no need for separate hypothesis. This is the point.

Concerning the question about isotopes of H - recall that the shorthand "H" in the posting does not refer to hydrogen but to "harmful molecule"!

*The conjectured realization of the analogs of DNA,RNA, tRNA, and amino-acids is based on state of dark nucleon and realization genetic code in terms of string like structures made out from them.

*This is something highly non-trivial since it means a direct connection between particle physics and biology. One must give up the belief that biology emerges from complexity. This postulate is the standard manner to get rid of this huge collection of physics anomalies known as biology and neuroscience with single sentence having very little actual content. Now this kind of trick is not needed nor possible. We must and we can face the reality as it is.

*Since dark nuclear physics is so important in this framework, heavy water is not a good candidate for a basic medium of life in this framework. said...

To Ulla:

Intention or intent is the term used. These notions are not precise unless one specifies what the intention was as in the experiments of Tiller about effects of intention on water pH or temperature.

The essential point is the interaction of magnetic bodies of operator and water. The basic mechanism is reconnection of flux tube loops from operator and water to a pair of flux tubes connecting these objects so that cyclotron radiation propagating along them and causing effects can propagate along this bridge and induce further interactions.

Reconnection is fundamental also in molecular scales and equally crucial for understanding of bio-catalysis, the generation of qualia, the basic mechanism of homeopathy, water memory, immune reaction, and evolution of immune system at gene level. The notion of fractality becomes more than a mere buzz word.

The deep irony is that reconnection represents the basic vertex of closed string model! String like objects are key structures in TGD. String world sheets also emerge in finite measurement resolution. And all is tightly connected with physics rather something in the nethernetherland of string landscape. What a progress is waiting us! But colleagues have this enormously painful problem with their egos;-).

Ulla said...

In biology there is a lot of guiding 'strings'. They can be interpreted as environmental space/diamond and self-space/diamond meeting? The role of water in biology is a bit problematic. Usually it creates symmetry breakings.

Look, self-organized liquid chrystals

Ulla said...

Compare to Mae Ho

Brings us back to G.Pollack said...

To Ulla:

Concerning self-organized liquid chrystals

Liquid crystals are the building brick of screens nowadays. Cell membranes are liquid crystals formed from lipids. In the model of qualia cell membrane is a qualia screen with lipids serving as pixels. Our technology seems to be reconstructing what evolution did for long time ago. said...

To Ulla:

Magnetic flux tubes are indeed string like objects and they define the basic correlate for attention. Directing attention to an object of external world means formation of flux tubes connecting perceiver to the object.

Negentropic entanglement accompanies attention and qualia prevail as long as this attention continues. Note the resemblance with Orch Or and with active information of Bohm: attention is the activity.

The test would be finding whether (for instance) visual attention implies that "intentional imprinting" in the object of attention. This relates directly also to the proposed mechanism of remote mental interactions.

Question: is attention symmetric. Does external world attend us too? Answer: during attention there is no perceiver and perceived, only perception. As K says.

In the case of hearing our ability to tell whether the sound comes from external world or not is a mystery if one believes that qualia are product of neural activity. The flux tube model would assign also to hearing flux tubes which are attached to some object oscillating with the sound wave. Even molecules of air.

How it is possible to identify the sound source "correctly" if anything that oscillates with sound wave can serve as target of attention?

Answer: Both ears are needed to identify the target in direction in which intensity is maximal. I remember when my father lost hearing ability from his second ear. He had very grave difficulties to decide which was the direction where sound arrived.

Ulla said...

"As you lower the temperature the liquid crystal starts to become organized and imprints that order into the surfactant itself, causing it to self assemble." What is this if not 'memory'?

Stereovision and stereohearing, ye. In my model serotonin is linked to attention too. This is maybe also why we need to discuss, to get some confirmation?

Like likes like, ye, indeed :D

My thought is: What happen to the second law? Now I turn ON :)

Ulla said...

"The test would be finding whether (for instance) visual attention implies that "intentional imprinting" in the object of attention. This relates directly also to the proposed mechanism of remote mental interactions. "
Wasn't this what Sheldrake did try to prove?

Entanglement between individuals due to attention and measurement (of qualias)? Sometimes I can feel the one I talk to on internet as staying by my side, as close that I can lay my arms around X. It doesn't matter if X is bitter even. A very strange feeling :D

The schamanic version is seeing a string of light between two people, as I saw between two hearts.

Schamans must attatch the string first before they start a 'journey'.

Entropy is created because of negentropy? said...

To Ulla:

Intentional imprinting is a term used by Tiller. He studied effects of intention on pH and temperature of water, on computers, and on some biological targets.

Sheldrake has the idea about species memory- collective consciousness and hierarchy of selves in TGD framework.

Sheldrake has also the proposal that genetic expression is to some extent a habit in scale of species. The notion of four-dimensional brain is analogous to this. Zero energy ontology implies this kind of time non-locality quite generally. The habit like character of genetic expression could also reflect the presence of flux tube braids giving to DNA-cell membrane system the analog quantum computer software and playing a key role in gene expression. This would mean end for the period of genetic determinism - empirical facts already now challenge this dogma (see Mae Wan-Ho's articles) - and insurance companies should change their criteria;-).

One could argue that entropy is generated at ensemble level when the period of negentropic entanglement ends with ordinary state function reduction accompanied by the splitting of flux tubes between observer and observed and attention therefore ceases.

One can however argue that NMP requires maximization of negentropy gain in quantum jump and this requires compensating negentropy gain elsewhere so that pessimistic form of second law need not hold true. I am unable to decide whether I should be pessimist or optimist;-).

Ulla said...

If Big Bang was a Diamond or chrystal (liquid?) that exploded (created noncommutativity) that is lost the attention :)

You have changed. This you would never have said some years ago :)

Ulla said...

One big error is also to think that we are the genome. Think animals, do they care about their genes? No! They care about the appearance, as all other. In many ways the epigenome is the most important, when it reflects the life situation, wellbeing. We select for that, not genes. So genetists also say that the phenotype is the important one.

Ulla said...

This was interesting!

◘Fractality◘ said...


While reading excellent write-ups like this one on water memory/intentional imprinting, I think about the Scole Experiment.

The Scole Experimenters used germanium (

This Germanium acts as a conduit of sorts - a medium upon which intentional imprinting takes place?

Nathan McCorkle said...

Doesn't this paper disprove water memory:

While I'm open to paradigm-breaking ideas, its hard to believe homeopathic-like ideas, when there has been significant follow-up and admitted experimenter error

Quantum entanglement, from what I understand, has only been proven/demonstrated for short time periods or in super-controlled conditions with some weird particles (I'm not an expert or well versed in this stuff, so I am just throwing my recollections out here)... but if quantum entanglement has been shown at all, then I can definitely see it extending to all particles and thus biology and consciousness. This is why I stumbled upon you Dr. Pitkanen.

I also figure that if a cell phone acts as it does, and is as small as it is, why couldn't there be a cellular or organ based communication device, other than photons (light, heat) or physical waves (sound, pressure). What the transmitters and receivers are unknown/non-existent as far as I can tell from the non-pseudoscience literature (which in all honesty is generally seems more straightforward/transparent with theory and experimental setup).

L. Edgar Otto said...


you were saying about water memory?

The PeSla said...

The hyping of the theoretical results leads easily to

The modelling of water by quantum chemists of course assumes no new physics, such as magnetic flux tubes and magnetic bodies. They try to reproduce some experimental facts and water memory is not included to these facts! A lot fitting and modeling taking the model of water molecule as granted. Hydrogen bond is one of the poorly understood half-phenomenological notions.

For two decades ago even the notion of chemical bond could not be produced from first principles. I do not know whether the increase of computational power has changed the situation in any manner.

L. Edgar Otto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
L. Edgar Otto said...


first the article says that such water bonds have not been understood.

Interestingly they reduced the configuration of those bonds to a few abstract topological shapes between points.

They never hype these fringes of their ignorance- but sometimes a misinterpretation by a layman or a professional is the proper path.

There was a photo of the volume of water on earth the other day on astronomy picture of the day- it lead to some dramatic thoughts in people who saw it, a powerful photo. I wonder if it were filled with living things how much we would take up in it and what would the memory capabilities of it be?

I am posting possibly some rather crude first beginnings at expanding my own space pictures a bit- we have to start somewhere 101. Sort of like if strings are the skeleton then generalizing them is the meat. I call it Barnyard Animal Train.

Maybe our intuitive powers of imagination will change things including what reservations still linger in talking about things associated with new age concepts.

Have you noticed the quality of everyone's posts have gone way up lately, I will have to look into Becker in your last long post series.

Current- quite and idea of some sort of quantum motion as intrinsic as time in a direction. In the shadows between such motion and rest what is in some wormholes save the bias of direction of particle emission or the hexagon on Saturn?

I like your use of wave equations only I work more at what we do within and the rearrangement or tearing apart matrices but without the contrast of some of today standard and absurd theories what would I be able to compare it to?

The PeSla (BTW I saw this article as a break in the dam that holds back the real water we would know about your theory in confirmation if they did not meter and harness the power of burying the forgetfulness of it for there own energy- it made what I doubt of your visions a little more real, myself). said...

These researchers are of course doing valuable work in getting out all that one get out of existing paradigm. I do not however believe that true progress is possible without bringing in the new space-time concept which geometrizes the basic notions of chemistry and brings in the non-locality brought in by the notion of magnetic body.

The paradigm shift is needed but it is extremely difficult since funding requires extreme conformism as the situation in particle physics shows: forty years have been spent in fruitless attempts to make old ideas work. This is the situation also in many other fields. Biology and neuroscience might be exceptions because there exists no rigid theoretical framework preventing progress.