Sunday, August 10, 2008

TGD prediction for Higgs mass is consistent with the most recent bounds 115-135 GeV

In previous posting I already made some passing comments concerning the newest data about Higgs mass. Because of the importance of this topic for TGD and all theories claiming to be able to predict the value of Higgs mass, a separate posting is in order.

Let us first sum up the new information about Higgs mass that emerged in the beginning of August 2008.
  1. A press release from Tevatron excluded the possibility that the mass is in a narrow interval around 170 GeV, roughly the average of the above mentioned mass values. Ironically, this mass value corresponds exactly to the Higgs mass predicted by the non-commutative variant of standard model of Alain Connes (Alain Connes has already commented the result).
  2. The second piece of information discussed in detail in Tommaso Dorigo's blog gives much stronger limits on Higgs mass. The first plot discussed in Tommaso's blog is obtained by combining enormous amount of information except that coming from LEPII and Tevatron and at 1 sigma limit bounds Higgs mass to the interval 57-100 GeV with favored value around 80 GeV. At 2 sigma the interval is 39-156 GeV. If one includes also the information from LEPII and Tevatron the mass range 115-135 GeV.

Consider now these results in TGD framework.
  1. The basic prediction of p-adic mass calculations is that elementary particles can appear in several mass scales differing by a power of 21/2. Quarks do so in TGD based model for hadron masses. This explains also why neutrinos seem to appear in several mass scales. Also Higgs could appear in two mass scales as the experiments giving two values of mass differing by a factor of 8 suggest: this point I have discussed earlier in my blog. A convenient manner to parametrize the TGD prediction is as

    m= 2(k-94)/2×129 GeV.

  2. TGD would predict mass 129 GeV for k=94 which is near the upper end of the allowed interval 115-135 GeV obtained by combining all data. If these limits are taken absolutely seriously, one can say that TGD is able to predict correctly also Higgs mass. Recalling that the prediction is exponentially sensitive to the value of the integer k, this could be regarded as as the final triumph of TGD.
  3. The reported results are consistent with the proposal that Higgs appears with at least two different mass values. All these mass values and even others could be there depending on experimental conditions. k=96 would predicts mass 91 GeV which is near the upper bound of the 1 sigma range 57-100 GeV with LEPII and Tevatron data excluded. k=97 would predict mass 45.5 GeV belonging to the lower boundary of the 2 sigma range. In particular, the mass value 182 GeV, not too far from 160 GeV- the mass of the could-this-be-Higgs! about which there was a lot of discussion for some time ago in Tommaso Dorigo's blog (see for instance this) is possible.

For details about p-adic mass calculations see the first chapters of the book p-Adic Length Scale Hypothesis and Hierarchy of Planck constants. The predictions for elementary particle masses including Higgs mass can be found at p-Adic particle Massivation: Elementary Particle Masses.

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